Sunday, September 7, 2014

Long skirt to baggy pants in 5 minutes!

This sewing project is so easy and super quick if you have a sewing machine and the pants will probably be some of the most comfortable you have ever worn.  I found this hippie skirt in a second hand shop for the huge cost of 1 Euro.  There's a zip in the side but this tutorial will also work with elastic and drawstring waists. 

 Turn the skirt inside out and lay it out flat.  I turned the zip to the front.  Be careful to spread out the skirt evenly.  This can be a little tricky if your skirt  has a tight lining like mine.  Just take your time and when you're happy pin a straight line through all layers from about a third of the way down from the waist.  

 Sew a straight line on both sides of the pins, meeting at the top / crotch.  Cut between  the lines and voila!  New pants! 

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